House of Parliamentary History 2016Düsseldorf
Exploring the history of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW): The exhibition tour conveys seven decades of history of the state parliament – from the beginning in 1946 until today. The visitors feel relegated back to the locations where the state parliament’s meetings have been held: the first constituent meeting at the opera house in Düsseldorf (2 October 1946), the provisional conference hall in the Henkel factories (1946–1949), the revitalised Ständehaus (parliamentary meeting house, 1949–1988) and the currently used parliamentary building, a new building on the banks of the river Rhine. Every room represents a new venue and thus, a new period of time. The stagings serve as the framework for a dialogue between guide and visitors and provoke an immersive access to the history. Light settings together with the projected films and images are controlled individually. They alter the impression of each room, while guiding the eye towards specific aspects of the exhibition.
- Exhibition Design, Scenography
- Light Planning
- Peter Andres Beratende Ingenieure für Lichtplanung
- Media Planning
- Erben Elektronische Medien
- Media Production
- Photography
- Bernd Schälte, Daniel Stauch