Erlebnis Europa – Europa Experience 2016 Berlin

European Parliament / Bruns B.V. / STOFANEL Investment AG
450 sqm
History, Politics
Exhibition, Visitor Centre, Orientation System

Discovering Europe in Berlin: The permanent exhibition in the European House, near the Brandenburg Gate, provides a direct and diverting access to the people, the history and the politics of the European Union. Round media stations and a 360-degree cinema characterise the exhibition. Information on the European Parliament and the European Commission are shown in a descriptive, transparent, informative and experience-oriented way – and all of this information are shown in as many as 24 languages, namely the official languages of the EU. The seemingly far away political events come closer to us verbally and spatially.

Erlebnis Europa has further locations in: Vienna, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Paris, Ljubljana, Strasbourg and Tallinn and newly opened in Rome and Stockholm.
In the planning stage are: Dublin, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Madrid, Prague and Warsaw.

Exhibition Concept and Design, Scenography, Exhibition Graphics
Light Planning with
LDE Belzner Holmes
Media Planning with
medienprojekt p2
Media Production
Markenfilm Crossing
Michael Jungblut
Close2 awards